First Day at

Two days ago i register for and i'm going to share my experience how my first day went on I found about from one of my friends. He reefer me to join this platform. On first day i posted a article about how i started my crypto journey on 2020. i posted my article and log in to read cash next day and i saw my post got few view and few up votes.
The post i did make few cents in fiat currency around 0.00050000 BCH. That was pretty good amount of Bitcoin cash form me. I know 0.0005 Bch nearly equal to 12-13 cents. Let's not compare crypto with fiat currency but crypto has huge potential to go up and gain more value on fiat. In few days/month/year that 0.005 BCH may be equivalent to 1$ to any high amount, that's why crypto is LOVE.
I saw people were making from few cents to thousand dollars from their single article.
I know few cents are not good amounts to earn from a article but in case of crypto it totally worth. I want all people to support each other and earn decent amount of crypto.
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